“A great mistake a person can make in life is failure to
Choice is such a powerful thing in human history.
Everything that happened and what is happening as far as life is concerned is a
result of choice. Choosing always need at least awareness about the choices. It
is difficult to choose right what you don’t know; you are not aware or ignorant
of. Knowledge is something important not just to sharpen our mind but also to
help us to make good use of our ability to choose. But yet this is not
guaranteed. Some people believe that knowledge is power. I have to tell you
today that knowledge is not power but it is a very potential power. It is power
only when it is right, organized and implemented by putting it into plans and
actions towards a specific goal. For your choice to have power to favor you,
knowledge is very essential.
Knowing something with its original meaning is so
important in decision making. Knowledge is not education. Having high education
level does not necessarily mean being knowledgeable. Knowledge is the
accumulation of information- data in your mind with their original true
meaning. The information must be in the mind, and you must understand the real
meaning of such information. Without knowing the true meaning of the information
is equivalent to foolishness. It is not easy to use information which is in
your mind without knowing its true meaning. That will be useless data and if
used it will definitely produce unexpected adverse results.
Don’t confuse with understanding. Understanding is the
comprehension, ability to understand concepts and see relationship between them
while knowledge is the accumulation of information in mind. Accumulated
information in mind helps a person to use them to comprehend and understand
concepts and see inter- and intra-relationship between different things.
Knowledge should always precede actions. Information in
the computer is not knowledge it is just data. That’s why the computer does not
have knowledge though it has data in its hard disk. Your mobile phone may have
data in its memory card but yet it is not knowledgeable. The data must be in
the mind to be converted into knowledge. Then when well organized and used in a
directory manner it becomes so powerful.
Education is nothing but the process of beginning to
learn on how to learn. You are in school to learn on how you can learn. The
word “educate” derived from Latin word “educat” which means, ‘lead out’, ‘bring
out’ or develop something latent or potential. Napoleon Hill in its book “Think
and grow rich,” he wrote, “An educated man is not necessarily, one who has an
abundance of general or specialized knowledge. An educated man is one who has
so developed the faculties of his mind that he may acquire anything he wants or
its equivalent, without violating the rights of others.” Education enables your mind to adapt to
different circumstances easily through the ability of analyzing and
interpreting things correctly and put them in user friend mode. Education is
just a tool which strengthens and sharpens your brain, your mind to be able to
acquire things. It develops your brain abilities. The aim of education is to
enable you to produce knowledge. It helps man to master his environment. Now how
comes that a person is educated but yet he is not competent to master his
Education may not necessarily make you choose correctly.
It just helps you to easily acquire and analyze the meaningful information to
become knowledgeable and affect your choices. Education does not restrict you
on which information to put in your mind and which not to. You can easily
acquire the information, false or true, bad or good. It helps you to assimilate
such information, whether it is good or
bad, depending on your belief system.
Information which kept inside you, will depends on your
inner beliefs- your system of beliefs. Right belief system will keep correct
and right information and the wrong belief system will store wrong; bad
information. No matter what kind of information you put and keep in your mind
it will always produce the results of its kind, results of its same nature. Bad
information will give bad outcomes, good produces good.
The quality and quantity of information you have in your
mind- knowledge will always influence your decisions- your choice. It does not
guarantee what choice you would make, but it put you in a good position to
choose. Choosing right or wrong needs your conscious mind to be involved. Your
conscious mind can’t make good choice while you have wrong system of belief-
default mode. I am not talking about religion. I am talking about your inner
driving forces to act and/or react. I’m not talking of only what you know but
what you perceive and believe. Your consciences, your inner satisfaction of
what you perceive right or wrong. What perceived right does not necessarily be
really right but it is its results that matters. Despite the fact that you have
been doing things believing that they were correct and right but yet you got
unpleasant and unexpected results. You can be intelligent and smart in the
wrong direction. The end usually justifies the means.
To make wrong decision sometimes it does not really matter
but what matters is working on that wrong decision. When connected to divine
power of God you become equipped with useful information and ease to work only
on the right information. You have privilege to get full information directly
from the manufacturer of all things in the Universe. Full package for the best
results in our life.
Many believe that information is power, something which
is not true. Information is power only when you work on it. You will have power
when you do something with that information. Again the power can be constructive
or destructive depending on the information you have and the way you work on
it. It is better to keep yourself informed. Search for relevant and useful
information. Work on the information. But remember you must have a genuine true
inner belief system.
The kind of knowledge you have will always influence what
kind of attitude you will have. Your attitude will determine the things which
you will do. Attitude is so important in any human life. We will discuss in
other chapters. Again it is from the things which you do every day you are
going to get your reward. I have come to discover that, what we receive in our
life is from what we did, act or react.
Our life today is the residue of our past decisions and actions. In other words, choices we make lead us to
the situation we are in and show us more about dynamics of life. The kind of
knowledge you have usually influences your decisions and actions. As we shall see in the next chapter on how
much freedom you have to make your choices and how powerful your choices are.
Choices we made in the past may be different if would
have a chance to make them today. This is because we have learned more about
the world; we have more information or precise one than before. Remember,
thoughts become things especially when aligned with feelings and actions.
Dr. George Adriano
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