This is just a part in my new book THE POWER OF CHOICE.
Any information comes into your mind will either be accepted or
rejected. Whether to accept it as reality or to reject it depends whether it
fits your belief or it doesn’t. These
things happens in such a way that you may not be aware about it. That is why a
person can spend hours on internet only charting while another one will be
reading books.
A belief is an acceptance of the mind that something is true or real and
often underpinned by an emotional or spiritual sense of certainty. It also means
a firmly held opinion or conviction. What makes a belief strong is the sense of
certainty or conviction. This sense of certainty or conviction must be
supported either emotionally or spiritually. No single human being in this
World without a belief. There are estimated 7.037 billion people on this planet
earth currently and everyone has his or her belief system. Each one has some
things which she or he accepted to be true or real; there are things he accepts
to be wrong or right. So everything you
do or say will be in accordance with your belief. You will never change your
behavior or habits unless you have changed your belief system. Your belief
system is so effective to have effects on you and sometimes in your surroundings.
Belief system is built from our surroundings with how and what we agree,
or disagree, what we accepts or rejects from our early childhood. Whatever fed
to our minds when we were young, usually add something either positive or
negative. A wrong belief system ideology will induce, built and strengthen
wrong belief system when accepted. And again a wrong belief system in you will
accept or reject things wrongly. What you hear, what you see and what you
experience will always be interpreted to fit your belief. Your belief can control
your actions, behavior and limit your potential.
There are only two types of belief systems.
One which is also occupying the minds of many men and women is default
or failing belief system. A belief system created and nurtured by the so called
societies of different races and ethnicities around the world. This belief
system is the one which anyone acquires it from the society, from average
people around him. It is commonly filled with words like, life is hard, and you
can’t do that and full of impossibilities.
Two, is supreme or right belief system. This is known to few people. This is a winning kind of belief system which
promotes and maximizes one’s potential. It is a belief system full of faith, hope and
possibilities. It is an original belief system given to man by our Creator;
‘Have Dominion” Have ability, authority, control and power to do any good thing
you wants on earth. This is supreme belief system you need to have.
What can a belief do?
Belief is strong to direct your life to where you believe. As your
belief grows and become solid it becomes a belief system. A system which
determines everything you become and what you do. The following are five key
things which belief can do:
Belief limits or maximizes potential.
If you believe you can’t do it automatically your efforts will be low. If
you think the exam is tough and you cannot have higher grades then you will
have little efforts in your studies. You will be bored whenever you try to
study. But if you think you can do, if you believe you deserve to pass with
flying colors then you will be interested with your study and you will study
hard. The results are obvious that you will pass.
Default belief system limits a person’s potential but the supreme belief
system always maximizes a person’s potential.
Belief always filters the information.
That’s why a sick person my stop taking medication and instead he or she
drink alcohol. It is not that he or she doesn’t know that medication is more
important than alcohol, but his or her choice is greatly influenced by his or
her belief system. Belief makes you act and react the way you do.
Tell us if you find itintersting and if you learned something new.
To be continued...!
Dr George Adriano
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