Choice making is something which
amazed me. Whether you are intelligent or you are a fool you can make choices.
Whether you have faith or you haven’t, still you can make choices in your life.
It doesn’t matter whether you are in right or wrong belief system still you
have ability to make choices. And again any choice you will make has power to
produce its corresponding results. You can be in a wrong place but you have a
freedom to choose a right choice on how to deal with the place. You might have
wrong belief system but yet you can chose right to have a right belief system. Even
wrong belief system can not prevent a person from choosing to abandon it. It’s
a right time to read this book so that you can understand the power of choice
in your everyday life.
The purpose of life is to be joy, to challenge and triumph over the
darkness of misery. We live to unfold the folded future. The good thing is
that, we have such capacity, that ability, that potential and the desire to
overcome. Everyone in this World has enough ability to be the best he can be.
No human being has the desire to fail. It is our nature to be the over comers-
to succeed. To be happy, to enjoy life it is our right, I mean it is our birth
It is my hope that, this book will
be useful to you. Most people do not understand and they have not realized that
the life they are living now, is the results of their choice; their decisions.
Whether you are aware or not you made a choice of your life. You have all the
ability to live the life you want. You have the freedom of choice. If God would
have not put the freedom of choice in man, He would have not said, “I call
heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and
cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live’.
Joy is irreplaceable. You might
have cancer, incurable ailment or lost the loved one, but still all these are
not the things to replace your joy of life. You may be sad or unhappy for a
while but joy is irreplaceable. Once you understand the mysterious work of God
concerning all the plans in our life, your inner joy will persist, no matter
what. Joy is non material and happiness does not come from material things, it
is something from invisible, from within our natural being. The lost of our
identity and our true nature resulted in a miserable life through the process
that poisoned our mind. Man mind may now become the toxic to his own life.
The good news is that, though it
seems there is no freedom still we can be free in this un-free World. We may
live free from the pull and push of the World. Though it is not cheap to have
such a life of freedom but it is very possible. You are not on earth by
accident- you are not an experiment. You are so equipped to master the nature.
Your inside ability is so powerful than the circumstances outside. You can
start living your dream today. You can succeed and be happy when you discover
yourself, when you break the limits, when you check up your attitude and feed
your mind with things you like.
Most people are living out of their
life. Stop living out of your identity, stop living other people’s lives, stop
living in default mode. Live your life.
Why most people don’t get what they
want in life? The list of reasons can be many to write in this book but there
is one only powerful reason, and here it is; they want but they don’t believe.
You will not get what you want but what you believe. Success and happiness can
be yours if you believe so. Belief always build character, attitude, and it
determines what to feed your mind. In fact belief always grows and become a
strong system- many call it a belief system. That system is will always
determine your choices in everyday life.
Choice being the powerful thing to determine your destiny on earth and
even after earthly life then makes you the way you are today. You can choose to
be better, successful and happy. This book will can help you transform your
life to the best level you dreamed about.
I feel privileged to have the
opportunity to share this information with you. Now, if you are ready, let's
get started on our journey.
Dr. George Adriano
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