Sunday, March 24, 2013

This is What Happiness is About!

For the life to be worthy living there must be happiness in it. The purpose of life is to have inner fulfillment and become happy. We live to unfold the folded future. Undoubtedly we have such capacity, that ability, that potential and the desire to overcome. It’s your thoughts which cause your feelings. If you want to feel better, then have better thoughts
What can make you happy? It is not the mansion, the car, property, the money in the bank. These things may create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves. Happiness is not something far away. It is to be found neither in fame nor in popularity. When you live with integrity, your hearts begin to fill with happiness as vast as the universe. It’s about being true to yourself and starting from where you are. From there your happiness will expand and grow limitlessly.
Where do you look for happiness? Do you depend on possessions, people or things outside of yourself to make you happy? Do you depend on escapisms like watching movies, television, sports or playing games so as to be happy or to mask your unhappiness? Or you stay long on internet chatting on social networks for the same reason? If you do you are looking happiness outside of yourself.
Don’t quote me wrong. It’s not bad to enjoy the things from outside yourself but you must be aware they are not the source of true happiness and they never produce a lasting happiness. And more important is that, you should not depend on escapisms for your life happiness. Well, they can raise your positive emotion and feel good for a moment. If you will be dependent on escapisms, you might become a slave to them. 
Happiness does not come from outside stimuli but from within yourself. There are two very important components concerning our thoughts. One is facts and the other is emotion. In every thought there are these two components. Different and various stimuli from your surrounding environment are the facts and they will create thoughts in your mind. It is you then who attach emotion in those facts. While you are literally unable to control your facts but you can choose to attach a positive or negative emotion to the fact. So depending on what type of emotion you attach your body will respond accordingly and make you happy or unhappy.
You might say – if only this person would change, then I will be happy. It’s not so. Nobody can cause you to be angry, stubborn, immovable, inflexible, and easily irritable. Your behavior is determined by your spirit, and your spirit involves you and God. This is really a unique relationship. It has nothing to do with anyone else it is between you and yourself.
Your happiness should never be dependent on what is happening to you or around you. Your happy spirit conditions what should happen around you. You dictate what happens outside from the state of your spirit. Man is a spirit; you get to control the outside from your inside. Never allow things from outside to disturb your inside because your inside is so powerful than the circumstances outside.  

Dk George Adriano
+255 715 182 106


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